Fitness For Life: Harnessing The Power Of Physical Activity To Boost Well-Being

  • Anti-Aging
  • fitness - general health - longevity
  • February 16, 2024

Staying active throughout life offers both physical and mental benefits. Understanding the many benefits of fitness can keep individuals motivated.

Going The Extra Mile

From a young age, most people are taught about the many benefits of exercise. Physical activity can reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones, and help keep weight under control. Beyond the physical benefits, exercise has been shown to improve brain health and reduce symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Finding an enjoyable sport or activity is a great way to commit to fitness for life, reaping the benefits for years to come.


What’s your sport?

When choosing a workout, the opportunities are boundless. Some people prefer an organized class environment and seek out exercises such as cycling, kickboxing, Pilates, or yoga. Other individuals like to exercise closer to home by lifting weights in the garage, swimming at the pool, or going for a run around the neighborhood. Organized sports, such as soccer, baseball, tennis, volleyball, and basketball, are additional options to get the heart pumping. Pick an enjoyable activity, and don’t be afraid to mix things up from time to time. A new sport may be just what is needed to help individuals recommit to working out.

Mind and body benefits

Nowadays, most people are pressed for time. Adding exercise to an already busy daily routine can feel like an impossible task. However, when considering that daily movement can benefit not just the body but also the mind, working out can be much more appealing. Younger people can reap the benefits of weight control, disease prevention, and improved mood from working out. Older adults can keep muscles and bones strong, prevent falls, and get better sleep by committing to an exercise routine. Regardless of the motivation, the science is clear. Daily movement provides endless benefits.

Time commitment

Many people may wonder how long to work out to see significant changes. A weekly recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity is suggested for all adults. Additionally, at least 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity should be incorporated into the routine. Although aiming for these recommendations is ideal, even small amounts of movement can add up. A recent meta-analysis found that walking just 3,867 steps daily can reduce the risk of dying from any cause, including cardiovascular disease. For the average person, that step count correlates to less than 2 miles a day.

Fitness for life

Committing to a lifestyle full of movement can do wonders for a person’s health. A near-daily activity goal is ideal, but even small movements throughout the week can add up. To make the activity more enjoyable, find a sport or activity that is fun to do and bring a friend. Enjoy the many physical and mental benefits of working out with a commitment to fitness for life.

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