Hormone Replacement Therapy For Anti-Aging: Why Men & Women Benefit
Hormone replacement therapy can work wonders for all genders. This medical intervention can improve the overall look and feel of the skin.
What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?
H ormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment that replaces hormones the body is no longer producing in sufficient amounts. This therapy involves administering synthetic versions of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid hormones through pills, creams, patches, gels or rings. While HRT is often used to manage symptoms associated with hormone imbalances, its potential to mitigate some signs of aging has also been studied.
What is BHRT?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is for people who do not want synthetic hormone replacement. BHRT is comprised of artificial hormones created by scientists to mimic the natural hormones in the body closely. These hormones are sourced from plants and animals and are not as consistent in dosage, purity or formulation as synthetic.
How HRT helps with aging
Research has shown that hormones like estrogen, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and progesterone can all improve skin elasticity, thickness, and hydration levels. Estrogen helps the body preserve collagen and increases hyaluronic acid production. Hyaluronic acid resides in the eyes and skin to lubricate joints. This acid keeps skin hydrated to prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and minimize scarring. Estrogen can also help repair and improve skin damaged by free radicals and sun exposure.
Anti-aging effects of progesterone and DHEA
Progesterone is like a sister to estrogen, working hand-in-hand with the hormone to regulate body function. Similar to estrogen, progesterone helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production which tightens and firms the skin. DHEA is another hormone proven to firm the skin and provide anti-aging benefits.
The benefits of testosterone
Testosterone is largely associated with men, but women have and need this hormone as well. In men, testosterone helps the body develop a penis, muscles, testes, bones, and regulates the libido. In women, the ovaries produce testosterone to regulate ovarian function, bone health, and libido. Testosterone also helps to thicken skin, improving elasticity and firmness. This hormone also rebuilds body tissue and reduces fat, giving patients a more youthful appearance.
What is testosterone-replacement therapy?
Testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT) is another form of hormone replacement therapy that restores hormone levels. Low testosterone levels affect libido, erectile dysfunction, bone density, muscle mass, overall energy and mood. TRT is available in various forms including injections, pellets, patches, creams and gel. Men can start taking these treatments in the 30s and 40s when testosterone levels start to drop.
Is HRT right for you?
Hormone replacement therapy is given under the supervision and direction of a physician. People of any gender can take any of the hormones listed but only a medical professional can prescribe hormone-replacement medicine. Furthermore, people of any age can start hormone replacement therapy because there is no age limit for the treatment. There are serious side effects associated with hormone therapy and each treatment plan must be tailored to meet the individual needs of the patient.
Finding a specialist
Endocrinologists are specialists in the endocrine system, the body’s complex network of glands that produce hormones. Because hormones play a crucial role in aging, an endocrinologist is uniquely qualified to help with HRT for anti-aging. An endocrinologist can help set realistic expectations and develop a comprehensive anti-aging plan that includes other factors such as diet, exercise and stress management.