3 Symptoms Of Eczema: Treatment For Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that causes dryness and itchiness. Treatment includes medications, therapies, and avoiding triggers.
What Is Atopic Dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a skin disorder that causes dryness, redness, and itchiness of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is a type of dermatitis where there is skin inflammation. There is no cure for this medical condition but there are available treatments. Eczema may occur at any age, and people with asthma or allergies are more at risk.
1. Redness of the skin
The red rash appears in various parts of the body but in more specific areas based on the age group. In children and teenagers, the rash is often seen on the neck, ankles, wrists, elbows, and back of knees. In adults, the rash appears on the face, wrists, hands, feet, and back of knees. Those who are fair-skinned tend to have a red rash that turns brown. Dark-skinned people will either have darker or lighter areas of the skin.
2. Dry skin
When the rash forms, the skin becomes dry and scaly. Some people may have scaly and leathery patches of the skin. Sometimes dry skin can be intense, leading to cracks and flare-ups. Seeking immediate help for flare-ups is advised.
3. Skin pruritus
The skin starts to feel itchy before the appearance of the rash. In most eczema cases, the majority of people have a rash that feels scratchy. Sometimes the itchiness may lead to oozing and crusting. These symptoms occur mostly in infants. The oozing nature mostly occurs in the scalp and face of infants but can also appear in other areas.
Possible complications
There are some associated risks with atopic dermatitis but not everyone will experience complications. Some risks include skin infections, sleep disturbances, and chronic itchy and scaly skin. If a person scratches the rash repeatedly, there is a chance of creating open sores or cracks. Some may also be at risk of acquiring other types of dermatitis such as allergic contact and irritant hand dermatitis.
Available treatment options
Atopic dermatitis is treated conservatively with medications, creams, and avoiding the triggers that cause eczema. The medications commonly used include corticosteroids, antihistamines, antibiotics in case of an infection, and topical immunomodulators for severe cases. Sometimes therapies such as phototherapy, where ultraviolet light waves are used, may help some people. Applying cream or ointment to the affected area after a shower and using lukewarm water and mild soaps may help. The doctor will recommend the best treatment depending on the severity of eczema.
Preventive measures
To prevent eczema from getting worse, there are some preventive tips to consider. Some tips include taking shorter showers or baths, moisturizing skin, using a mild soap, avoiding itching, and managing stress. More tips include taking allergy medication, using a humidifier, and avoiding abrupt temperature changes. If there are any medical concerns or doubts, consult a healthcare provider for advice.