Is Your Makeup Making You Break Out? Choosing Noncomedogenic Products

  • Dermatology - Women's Health
  • Acne - Skin Care
  • December 27, 2021

Makeup causing breakouts? This could be due to the comedogenic ingredients used to create them. Try looking for noncomedogenic products.

Can Makeup Cause Pimples?

The right makeup can transform confidence and self-esteem. That’s why the makeup industry continues to be a thriving, $90 billion market. At the same time, makeup can cause skin problems too, including acne. One wrong makeup purchase can irritate the skin and cause even more breakouts. To cool those pimples, dermatologists recommend sticking with noncomedogenic products. However, knowing if makeup passes the test takes a little extra knowledge and foresight.

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A big word with great importance

Before checking if that new foundation is noncomedogenic, an important step is figuring out how acne forms. The skin has millions of microscopic pores. Sometimes, oil, dirt, or bacteria clog these pores. This causes inflammation and swelling and acne develops. Over 50 million people suffer from some form of acne. If something is comedogenic, there is a high possibility that the product clogs pores. Noncomedogenic products are perfect for those struggling with acne, as the ingredients won’t clog pores.

Spotting those cloggers on the label

Knowing if that special makeup kit causes pimples can be a challenge. To get health-conscious customers to bite, some cosmetic companies can claim the makeup is noncomedogenic. As there are no FDA regulations on noncomedogenic makeup, many companies use that as an advantage. Scientists have earmarked over 100 products as noncomedogenic. Some are more prone to clog pores than others. The more familiar ingredients to look out for include silicones and alcohols like isopropyl myristate. Parabens, certain dyes, phthalates, and even coconut oil have pore-clogging properties. Pay special attention to these ingredients on all makeup labels.

Skin type plays an important part too

Skin types vary from person to person. Some have oily skin, dry skin, or combination skin. Each reacts differently to skin products. Someone with oily skin may get acne compared to another using the same product with dry skin. This makes the topic of comedogenic products subjective. Choose makeup based both on skin type and the ability to clog pores.

A step-by-step process for clog-free makeup

Take these simple steps to find the best product for acne-prone skin. First, only pick out noncomedogenic makeup. Then narrow down the list. The products should be clinically tested and dermatologist-approved. Next, look for products with as few ingredients as possible. This narrows down the chances of clogged pores. Finally, look carefully for changes in the skin after using a new makeup. If breakouts happen after a few days, consider trying another type. Makeup is not the only noncomedogenic product to look out for. Use the same criterion for products like moisturizers, cleansers, and exfoliants.

Choose healthy skin first

Makeup can give a stunning look. Many persons even use makeup to conceal existing acne. But this should not be at the expense of clogged pores. Acne can cause a host of long-term damage to the look and feel of skin. Take the extra time to choose a makeup line that won’t clog pores. If makeup has been causing acne, speak with a dermatologist for treatment and advice on using the right products.

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