Dementia & Alzheimers: How To Care For A Confused Or Combative Family Member At Home
To care for family members with dementia or Alzheimer's at home, develop set patterns and create action plans for emergencies.
Caring For Loved Ones With Memory Loss
Receiving a dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be a shock. A significant life change to adapt to and come to terms with, memory loss leaves individuals and caregivers on a difficult road to proper care. A recent study notes that over 90% of patients with dementia develop behavioral symptoms or psychiatric problems at some point during the illness. To care for a combative or aggressive family member, key experts suggest developing set patterns, prioritizing exercise, and outlining action plans in case of emergencies.
Create a pattern and stick to it
No matter the stage of memory loss, loved ones can best help patients by developing simple daily routines. Consistent activities prioritizing socializing and movement can help patients maintain independence for as long as possible. In the early stages of treatment, patients can work with caregivers to identify soothing activities and hobbies that can ease symptoms later.
Maintain mobility
A recent study showed exercise or regular physical activity might play a role in achieving a higher quality of life with the disease. To maximize social and emotional benefits, healthcare experts suggest mutually enjoyable activities. Activities can help patients open up about feelings of denial or sadness surrounding an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Attentive caregivers can encourage patients to work toward mental acceptance, lowering the likelihood of developing psychiatric or combative issues as the disease progresses.
Plan ahead, just in case
Prioritizing comfort in Alzheimer’s patients is particularly key. Medical assistance should be pursued immediately if a loved one cannot calm the patient. To make sure a patient with dementia is safe, some physicians suggest developing an action plan before visiting the emergency room, or better yet, ahead of the emergency altogether. Being prepared for an emergency can minimize stress in patients with memory loss. Caregivers must be prepared to explain symptoms to multiple medical professionals, communicate patient needs and maintain patience while providing unilateral comfort.
Achieving quality care
Simple patterns such as coffee at the same time every day can help patients feel safe and comfortable. Regular exercise, especially with a social component, can lead to a higher quality of life. Proper care decreases the risk of psychological distress, allowing loved ones the vital time needed. Memory loss impacts countless patients, but loved ones can provide quality care with a few empathy-focused strategies.