Love Technology But Hate That Pain In Your Neck: 3 Habits to Change
Life is run by technology and technology affects posture and more people are complaining of neck pain. Try these three changes.
Pain Pain Go Away, Technology is Here to Stay
Let’s face it, society nowadays is addicted to technology. Computers, iPhones, smart TVs, and some refrigerators have computer screens now. Technology is impossible to escape and has permeated every facet of life. On a daily basis, the average adult spends 8 consecutive hours sitting, hunched over a keyboard, staring into an electronic screen. This posture hurts the back, causes the shoulders ache and can create a pain in the neck. The pain doesn’t stay at the workplace; but follows into home life. Want the pain to go away? Three simple changes is all that is necessary. The secret lies in ergonomics.
Check the computer
There are several reasons using the computer can cause aches and pain, especially in the neck and shoulders. A quick ergonomic check can eliminate pain caused by improper screen placement.
Ergonomic checklist
- Make sure the image is clear and light doesn’t glare off the screen. Both can cause the person to squint and lean forward to see.
- Make sure the screen isn’t too close. Having an image to be too far away than too close is better for the eyes. An ideal distance for a computer screen is an arm’s length away. Screen distance will also change depending on corrective eyewear needed.
- Sit directly in front of the computer. Twisting to see the screen can put unnecessary strain on the shoulders and neck.
- Make sure the height of the screen is correct. Too high or too low can cause a head tilt position and over time strain the neck muscles. When gazing forward, the eyes should fall just above the middle of the computer screen.
Seated position
When sitting in front on a computer, keep the legs bent at a 90-degree angle with feet flat on the floor. This is an ideal position. Other suggested positions are as follows:
- Slightly elevate the feet with a box or step stool elevating the knees slightly above the hips takes the pressure off the lower spine.
- Push the hips as far back in the chair as possible and keep a two-finger distance between the edge of the chair and the back of the knees.
- The use of a small pillow or lumbar support to push the lower back slightly forward is often useful. Using a pillow will help keep the spine in alignment while sitting.
- Sitting up straight, keeping the shoulders down and relaxed, with the chin up helps keeps the neck in a comfortable neutral position.
- Remember not to round the shoulders.
Staying stationary
Most workers sit for long hours in positions that compromise spinal alignment and overall health. Staying stationary for too long increases the chances of heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. Simply standing is not enough, though standing still has its benefits, the body needs movement.
Try implementing movement into everyday activities. Walk down the hall instead of emailing or calling a colleague. Go for a walk during lunch. Take the stairs and skip the elevator. Even moving the printer or trashcan cause people to get up and move. Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular. Experts recommend a minimum of 20-30 minutes of exercise a day. Creating a pattern of sit, stand, walk every so many minutes will prove beneficial. These little life hacks will create a healthier body and ultimately lead to a happier worker. There are countless devices such as that track a user’s activity level throughout the day. Alarms can be set to go off when the user has been still too long.
Bonus: cell phone usage
When sitting or standing, holding the phone at eye level will keep the spine neutral. When possible, support the arms. While standing this can be done by crossing one arm across the body and resting the elbow of the second arm atop the hand of the first. Switch hands frequently so that one hand does not become too fatigued. Using a phone is a bit easier when sitting at a desk. Sit upright with elbows on the desk and bring the phone to eye level. Keep the shoulders down. Whenever possible sit up against a supportive surface
Final prescription: neck pain reduction in a nutshell
Reducing neck pain while using technology comes down to ergonomics. Whether standing or sitting, positions that keep a neutral spine and relaxed shoulders are the goal. Keep the technology at eye level and don’t forget to get up and move every so often. Technology doesn’t have to hurt.